Aspen Collies
Faith, Family, & Four-Legged Friends
About Us
Stephen and Amber Lockwood
Idaho Breeder of Rough and Smooth Coat Collies

"A Little History"
We started breeding collies in 2011. Having bred golden retrievers for several years, we moved into a more rural area and decided we wanted a breed of dog that was more protective than goldens, but also good with kids. After researching different breeds, we found that the collie exactly matched that for which we were looking. We purchased our first collie, Lassie, from Minnesota, having spent two years saving and researching the genetic health issues of the breed. Of course, it has only grown from there....Our breeding lines now include collies from Canada, Texas, Minnesota, Montana, and Illinois.
Some ask us why we do not show our collies. Our collies are showable and many come from champion bloodlines. However, we do not currently show our dogs because with rearing and home schooling five boys, we simply lack the time. We have gone to great lengths to assure that all of our collies come from healthy lines and that they conform to the AKC collie standard. Our main goal in raising our collies is to provide a healthy, family raised, beautiful puppy that is affordable for families. Collies are first and foremost great family dogs, and we want to be able to provide a puppy to families who want an ideal companion.
"Our Crew"
Our five boys -Stephen J, Jeffrey, Asher, Arden and Jamon - are our helpers here at Aspen Collies. Stephen J helps with feeding and maintenance. Jeffrey's responsibility is making sure all water is clean and fresh, including sanitizing water buckets regularly. Asher is our 'brusher", helping with brushing the collies and keeping them clean. Last, but not least -the great job of cleanup is for Arden and Jamon. Yes, they use the scooper every day and keep the pens smelling fresh!!
Most importantly, all the boys spend time with the pups every day - playing with them, holding them, and teaching them. Our pups are very well socialized before they go to their new homes, and they absolutely love kids!
"Where Your Pup is Raised"
Info on this to come, as we are in process of building our new collie kennel. To follow the progress, go to our Facebook Page - "Amber's Aspen Pups"!
"Helping Others"
At Aspen Collies, we seek to serve others and provide help where we can. This includes many aspects of our lives, but we have
included a few here.
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
~Matthew 20:28
Twenty percent of all proceeds from Aspen Collies goes to charity or nonprofit organizations. This includes but is not limited to:
*Reach India Mission
*Missionaries in Various Countries
*Local Food Banks
*Local Rescue Mission
*Local Churches
We support kids' college funds through Life's
Every time you order a Life's Abundance product through Aspen Collies' website or through healthypetpantry.com, you are supporting kids' college funds. As a representative of Life's Abundance, we do receive a small commission on products ordered through us. Any commission we receive is directly deposited into savings accounts for individual kids' college funds. The more you order, the more they
can save. As the dog food is the lowest commission item, when you order treats, supplements, health products, fish oil, etc. , you are helping them even more. More details on this on our "Food for Your Pet Page".
Three rules are applied here:
(1)The commissions have to be directly deposited and cannot be used for other purposes.
(2)Ten percent of commissions go to charities and nonprofit organizations.
(3)The boy/girl has to be involved in other areas of saving money for college, such as but not limited to:
Local Jobs (babysitting, yard work, etc.)
4H projects
Helping at Home